The Trichorus

The Trichorus is a triple chorus/ensemble effect. The circuit is based on Rick Holt's "little ange chorus" circuit. It consists of three pt-2399 chorus stages, each controlled by two LFOs. One LFO runs slowly and the other LFO runs fast. The faster LFO can be switched on with an "ensemble switch".There is total volume knob and the effect can also be mixed with the original signal. The voltage is 9 volts and a normal battery can be used. The chorus isn't completely analog, since the PT 2399 has analog filters but a digital bucket brigade.

However, the effect sounds very "analog" and since the LFOs are not timed there are always new chorus combinations.You can see that too-each phase of the 3 slow LFOs is indicated by an LED.

The Circuit:

Breadboard Platine Layout